Jan Hus monument is a significant art symbol of Prague and has been built by the famous Ladislav Šaloun. The memorial is made up of stone and bronze and holds its importance in the Czech Republic. Standing in the middle of Prague, the Jan Hus monument is the sculpture of one of the most important man if the history of Czech. Jan Hus was burnt to death as a heretic, due to his reformist ideas that were not acceptable in the society at that time.

Jan Hus was the dean of Charles University in Prague. He critiqued the practices of Church and termed them as “selling indulgence.” He was a preacher in Bethlehem Chapel in Prague, but due to his ideas, he was excommunicated by the pope of that chapel, in 1410. In 1414, Jan Hus was called to the Council in Constance and was requested to take back his words about Church and people who preach. However, Jan Hus refused to take his ideas again, and thus; the decision of burning him to death was made. He was burnt on 6th July in 1415.
The people of the Czech Republic could not believe that Jan Hus was burnt to death for his thoughts and an outrage. It was the beginning of a rebellion, termed as the Hussite Wars. This war was against the Catholic Church. However, sadly, all the crusades send their way, were defeated. The movement came to an end due to a fight amongst the rebellions themselves, and nothing concluded out of the campaign.
However, the foundation of the statue of Jan Hus was laid in 1903 by Ladislav Šaloun, and it was completed and revealed in 1915, on 6th July. It marked the 500th death anniversary of Jan Hus. The statue was not announced officially as Jan Hus was not a heroic man for the people of Prague; thus a festival or any death event for him was not permitted. However, the Jan Hus monument, even when revealed unofficially, was covered with dozens of flowers that day.
The monument consists of Jan Hus and some statues around him that represent people of the Czech Republic. The statue is facing the Church of our Lady before Tyn, which was the main Church where the rebellion movement was Hussite Wars took place. All the essential actions and notices were made in this Church. On the other side, there is a bunch of some statues that represent that people who were forced to leave the Czech Republic after the rebellion movement was defeated.
The very famous statue is located at the Old Town Square, 110 00 Old Town, Czechia. You can visit it anytime and take images with this piece of art. The statue is really easy to find, and you can easily ask any taxi to take you there. Being in the middle of the city, it is not hard to locate at all.
It is an essential artistic symbol for the people of Prague. Sadly, Jan Hus was killed for his thoughts, and this statue reminds us, of him and how a simple, personal deed, was considered deathly in the history of the Czech Republic.